

"The Adventures of Sage Fish" is a captivating monthly noir comic series that revolves around the enigmatic exploits of a fish detective and his spectral companion. This unique series draws inspiration from the National Park System and diverse global locations, evoking the spirit of classic adventures like Tintin. Each mystery is sparked by local folklore and resolved through astute use of geography, flora, and fauna. The primary aim is to engage and educate a younger audience, fostering an appreciation for the healing wonders of nature and curiosity.


"The Adventures of Sage Fish" is a captivating monthly noir comic series that revolves around the enigmatic exploits of a fish detective and his spectral companion. This unique series draws inspiration from the National Park System and diverse global locations, evoking the spirit of classic adventures like Tintin. Each mystery is sparked by local folklore and resolved through astute use of geography, flora, and fauna. The primary aim is to engage and educate a younger audience, fostering an appreciation for the healing wonders of nature and curiosity.